LATIN ART IN MINNESOTA A richly illustrated and personal presentation of the lives and careers of twelve Latin American artists in Minnesota. 2023 William G. Franklin, Editor. Foreword by Rico Paul Vallejos. Purchase at
PODCAST: Ben Carter is a studio potter, educator, and social media enthusiast based in Helena, MT. He interviewed Guillermo for his podcast, Tales of a Red Clay Rambler. It’s online as of August 26, 2020. Thanks, Ben.
CHAT: Schaller Gallery has a recorded gallery chat with Guillermo, Linda Christianson & Steven Rolf about the new show opening August 24, 2020 at Schaller Gallery called Proximity. Enjoy an hour long easy conversation with this friends and colleagues.
TV: Minnesota Original MNO, Twin Cities Public Television TPT, published June 2013.
MOVIE: Minnesota Potters Sharing the Fire: Anoka Ramsey Community College 2012